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Central Manitoulin Water and Sewer Services

Water and sewer systems were constructed in the village of Mindemoya in 1996. The water intake plant is on the east shore of Lake Mindemoya and the sewage treatment plant is to the south of the village at Mud Lake. Six-inch water and ten-inch sewer mains service Mindemoya except for the Hodgins-Nelder subdivision. The system is currently running under capacity with much room available for expansion. The Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) currently maintains the system.

Water Rates

  1. For the year 2023, the annual flat rate fee for each Residential water unit in the Village of Mindemoya shall be $208.00 per quarter.
  2. For the year 2023:
  3. The quarterly minimum fee for each Commercial water customer in the Village of Mindemoya shall be $208.00.
  4. In addition to clause 2(a), each meter shall be read quarterly and any usage will be billed at the rates established as follows:
  5. 0 - 75 cubic meters billed in accordance with clause 2(a)
  6. 76 - 250 cubic meters $0.868

III. 251 - 400 cubic meters $0.924

  1. 401 – more $0.308

Sewer Rates

  1. For the year 2023, the annual flat rate fee for each Residential sewer unit in the Village of Mindemoya shall be $208.00 per quarter.\
  2. For the year 2023:
  3. The quarterly minimum fee for each Commercial sewer customer in the Village of Mindemoya shall be $208.00.
  4. In addition to clause 4(a), Commercial sewer customer shall be billed quarterly and any usage will be billed using the same consumption rates as water at the rates established as follows:
  5. 0 - 75 cubic meters billed in accordance with clause 4(a)
  6. 76 - 250 cubic meters $0.868

III. 251 - 400 cubic meters $0.924

  1. 401 – more $0.308

For more information view By-law No. 2023-04 Being a by-law to establish Water & Sewer Service Rates In the area known as the Village of Mindemoya.

The water lines are flushed on a regular basis and notice is given to residents in affected service areas. Flushing improves water quality and increases the reliability of the distribution system. Please visit the FAQ on water main flushing for more information.

Water Main Flushing - FAQ

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